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Seeing beyond

I’m sitting in a coffee shop, observing how everyone is so caught up in their own inner worlds. People sitting on their mac laptops, sipping on some grossly overpriced coffee and feeling like the shiz while doing so (myself included).


In whatever form it takes on, us humans often keep waiting for hits, so that we can experience pleasure and materialistic, external gain. It’s an addictive, repetitious cycle.

Some of us are addicted to positive cycles, and then some of us are addicted to habits that bring about more harm than gain.

We work a 9-5, so we can essentially eat and sleep. Or if one is successful- to eat and sleep with more options.

One day we will wake up and reveal the truth, that none of this is permanent. All is temporary, and the time for compassion has always been now.


No one really knows what their doing. Or has all the answers. If they did, they would be G-d.

The unknown can be scary but the unknown is also where we can create something beautiful that hasn’t existed ever before.

For it is in the unknown where we find a deeper understanding, we come alive in the mystery of it all.

Things come and go. People come and go. Moments come and go. Nothing is certain. All we have is the now.


No one is stuck, and by default we are being recreated every second in this universe. We have the opportunity to choose a new narrative with every passing moment.

Go an inch deeper and we are all pretty much the same- a brain, a heart and a body, composed of the same stuff. No one is superior and no one is inferior.


“I’m a doctor”, “I’m a salesman”, “I went to Harvard.”

It doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things… What does matter is the positive effect you have on others and the universe. The light you add into the world.

When you die, your credentials/ impressive resume/ new promotion will most likely just be an empty sliver from the past… A vessel of neither positive or negative but one of great responsibility.

I want to use my mind as a tool to innovate, explore and discover truth.

I want to use my body as a vessel to stay healthy and energize myself, so that I could accomplish and do so with a happy spirit.

I want to use my heart to spread love to others, to be kind to all creatures, to help those in need, to plant a seed of support in others- to help them grow.

I want to use my mouth as a tool to build up others, to speak out for those that don’t have a voice.

And I want to use my hands to create. To manifest ideas into a concrete reality.

I want to be known for my kind heart, my inquisitive mind, and vibrant soul that permeates from my being.

So step out of comparison and open your palms to your own unique brilliant experience, the one that is unfolding just for you- because it is.

And while all the fluff and glitz is nice, it boils down to one entity. External satisfaction.

It’s the short term type of feel good reward.

I want the long term.