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The Multi-Faceted Human Species

Hey, I’m Malky, and I’m pretty multi-faceted like most humans tend to be.

One of my favorite things in the world is driving around town, blasting some OG hip-hop, gangsta music.

Mostly for myself, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s also quite fun to see people’s surprise when they see a religious, head-covering, quirky human jamming out. It makes me smirk and it’s fun to surprise people.

Here’s the thing. You can be spiritual, holy, religious, and you can also be a badass and listen to questionable music.

Because there are no rules, except the ones we create for ourselves.

Yeah ideally, one day I’ll be like Gandhi and be totally and completely refined and meditate on a mountain. But right now, that’s not me. And I’m cool with that.

We all judge so hard – oh you’re a ‘this’, or you’re ‘like that’.

‘Omg you’re one of those Jews like that movie Unorthodox…’ Lol I mean, I guess kinda on a deeply superficial layer (I’ve never used the words deep and superficial in conjunction with each other :)) but I’m also so much more.

So many people form preconceived notions and pass immediate judgment without looking beneath the surface.

People are rich, with layers and layers to them. (Literally! Veins and blood and skin. It’s endless) Stereotyping is dumb cuz the human species is rarely so simple and easily defined.

So be you. Be weird. Be cool. Be great. Be a loser. Idk, be whatever. Do whatever tickles your fancy and don’t give a shiz to what people think.

Wanna be a monk and a rapper? Wanna go for a ride on a motorcycle while listening to barbie music? Wanna sob and eat ice cream while absolutely murdering someone in minesweeper? You get the gist..

Be so authentically you, so that others can be themselves. That world needs that special gift that only you have. The world needs you and not another conformist.

I’m passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things: writing, hip-hop, psychology, special needs advocacy, ninja-type sports, street photography, the Mossad, creativity, humans, spirituality, and social justice just to name a few.

I never will fit into a conventional box, because I am me. Quirks and all.

I’m no sage and I don’t have all the answers. I make mistakes, have shitty days, and get mired in fear and self-doubt, just like the rest of humanity.

But I’m an original, and I’ll take that any day over being boring or conventional.

So my peeps, go out there today and do something that surprises others, maybe even yourself.

Live life for you and screw social norms or chasing money or clout. Life is short, live it fully. And don’t be someone you’re not.